
New Year's Resolutions Solved 1 New Year's Resolutions Solved

New Year’s Resolutions Solved

Every year we hear about how many people make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight and get fit. Just as I’m writing these opening sentences, two separate commercials have appeared on TV about weight loss programs. Yet, every year we hear about how many people don’t keep their resolutions. Despite the odds against us, […]

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Summer Time Fun

Last week I really enjoyed a supplement to our weekly newspaper, The Isthmus, called “Summer Times”.  It reminded me of all the wonderful things Madison has to offer this time of year.  Certainly we have our time-honored events like Concerts on the Square, Opera in the Park, Art Fair on the Square, and Paddle and

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Ice Queens

About three years ago, I took a flight from Madison to Detroit, as most of us do here to get to a hub for other destinations.  As I sat in the airport waiting to board the plane, I noticed an increasing number of young women gathering around.   I soon discovered the UW-Madison women’s hockey team

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