For the Love of Coffee

For the Love of Coffee 3 For the Love of Coffee

12…24…36.  Logically, we make a lot of coffee at The Livingston Inn.  We have two twelve-cup pots, so we are often making it by the dozen.

For many people, coffee is a wonderful part of their morning routine.  And over the past 15 years, that has exploded to something we do all day long.  Coffee wakes us, warms us, and brings us together — at work, at home, or at the shop down the street.  Even people who don’t drink coffee, like our children, enjoy the aroma of fresh beans or a pot brewing in the morning.

With all of this in mind, here are some interesting facts as a tribute to this special beverage:

  • After they are roasted and begin to cool, coffee beans release about 700 chemical substances that make up the vaporizing aromas.
  • Hawaii is the only place in the US where coffee is commercially grown.
  • Scandanavia has the world’s highest per capita coffee consumption at 26.4 pounds.
  • The US is the largest consumer of coffee, importing 2.5 million pounds annually, representing one-third of all coffee exports.
  • More than half the US population drinks coffee, translating to more than 450,000,000 cups daily.
  • Dark roasted coffee has less caffeine than regular roasts.  The longer a coffee is roasted, the more caffeine burns off.
  • Coffee is second only to oil as a world commodity.

I hope you enjoy this short tribute to coffee.  We’ll keep brewing it and are sure its enduring characteristics will speak to our guests for years to come.

P.S. Tea drinkers don’t dismay.  We recognize there is a whole other culture around your beverage.  Look for afternoon teas and related events coming soon at The Livingston Inn to celebrate tea’s own long-standing history and tradition.

Photo courtesy of Gareth Davis, Davis Digital Films,

Facts courtesy of

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